Ali Ahmida interviewed for WMTW 8 reaction story to President Obama's speech on Libya

Ali Abdullatif Ahmida, Ph.D., professor and chair of the Department of Political Science, was quoted in a March 29, 2011 WMTW 8 (Lewiston, Portland) news story on President Barak Obama's March 28th speech on the U.S. role in Libya. "The speech however in my opinion," Ahmida said, "was a little bit late. I think it's a pity that he had to calculate and figure out our own public opinion, the Congress, his critics and other factors before he delivered the speech." He added that he hopes President Obama will follow up his speech with a clear message about the next setp in Libya. 

Since the North African and Middle Eastern uprisings began in January, Ahmida has been interviewed by a number of media outlets, including NPR's Morning Edition and Charlie Rose show, CBC Radio Canada, KPFK Pacifica Radio, Los Angeles, WBEZ Chicago Public Media, Mother Jones magazine and more. Ahmida, who was born in Libya, is the author of The Making of Modern Libya: State Formation, Colonialization and Resistance, and several other books on Libya and North Africa. Find out more about Ahmida and read and listen to a number of his other recent interviews.