Eric Zuelow appears in British TV series, ‘Grand Tours of Scotland’

Assistant Professor of European history Eric G.E. Zuelow, Ph.D., is currently appearing in the third season of BBC Scotland’s television series Grand Tours of Scotland.

The series features host Paul Murton, a Scottish filmmaker and on-air personality, who discovered a copy of a nineteenth-century tourism guidebook in his family home.  Inspired, Murton decided to follow in the footsteps of Victorian tourists while at the same time talking with tourism history experts to learn more about the development of leisure travel in his home country.

A veteran of the first two seasons of the Grand Tours series, Zuelow re-appears in the third season to talk with Murton about Robert Burns-related tourism in Scotland during the early part of the nineteenth century.  The segment was shot in Ayrshire in May 2012.

“We filmed in three Burns-related locations, including two sites associated with Tam O’Shanter’s famous drunken flight from the witches, and rode between them on a tandem.  It was a lot longer process putting together the sequence than in years past—a full day of shooting as compared with an hour or two.  Much more involved, but also very, very good fun.  As always, the series will offer amazing scenery, great entertainment, and a great deal of solid educational information about tourism history in Scotland,” said Zuelow.

The first two seasons of Grand Tours proved tremendously popular in the United Kingdom and both have aired multiple times across Britain.

The six part series will air on BBC1 Scotland on Friday evenings starting on September 7th and finishing on October 12th. All three seasons are available for purchase on (region free) DVD.