MPBN radio and Journal Tribune feature UNE's mosquito control study and program

MPBN radio and the Journal Tribune on Aug. 20th ran feature stories on UNE's innovative mosquito control program, which is also the focus of an environmental studies research project.

Student Brendan Emanuel '14 tells MPBN "we ended up taking into account the bird populations around here, the bats, and then which plants that are native to the area that we could use to repel the mosquitoes. ... So it's sort of this triad to help control the large spread of the species."

In addition to Emanuel, Noah Perlut, Ph.D., assistant professor of environmental studies; and Phil Taschereau, UNE’s landscaping head and a certified master gardener are interviewed for the radio story. Listen to the story.

The Journal Tribune story quotes Perlut, Emanuel, Taschereau, Ronnie Souza, UNE director of environmental health and safety, and Cynthia Simon, the UNE College of Arts and Sciences internship director.