UNE’s Barton Seaver pens article about the benefits of aquaculture

Barton Seaver

Barton Seaver, senior advisor for Sustainable Seafood Innovations at the University of New England, wrote an article titled, “Farming the Seas” for To Market magazine. The article discusses the evolution of the aquaculture industry toward more sustainable farming practices.

As a chef, Seaver says his thinking around aquaculture changed as he learned more about how important it will be to our food systems. “The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization predicts that without it, the world will face a seafood shortage of 50–80 million tons by 2030,” he said. “I do not suggest farmed seafood as a substitute for, but an addition to, wild-capture seafood. And though aquaculture still has many obstacles to overcome, as the industry itself seeks sustainability in its processes, the plain fact is that aquaculture on the whole has advanced in sustainability far past what consumers, chefs and media often allow credit for.”

Read the article.

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