UNE shark tracking research featured in ‘Portland Press Herald’

A still image from a tracking video showing the movements of a pregnant porbeagle shark
A still image from a tracking video showing the movements of a pregnant porbeagle shark the research team has named 'Ms. Persistence'

The Portland Press Herald published a story on August 9, 2017 about a research project at the University of New England that involves tagging porbeagle sharks off the coast of Maine to learn more about their movements.

Professor James Sulikowski, Ph.D., and his team of student researchers have outfitted several porbeagles, including a pregnant shark and three babies, with satellite tags. “This will include developing hotspot locations that we can provide commercial fisherman to avoid so that fisherman can keep fishing and sharks can keep living,” Sulikowski said.

The team has been sharing the videos on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, garnering attention from all over the country.

Read the article.     

To learn more about the University of New England’s Department of Marine Sciences visit www.une.edu/cas/marine

To learn more about the University of New England’s Center for Excellence in Marine Sciences, visit www.une.edu/research/msc

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