Debra Welkley, Ed.D.

Debra Welkley, Ed.D.


Off Campus



Ed.D. Educational Leadership
University of New England
M.A. Sociology
Baylor University
B.A. Sociology
Aurora University


Current research

Mentoring in online doctoral programs
Mentoring success for sociology majors

Selected publications

Welkley, D. L. (2020). Threads of support: Mentoring online doctoral students. The Chronicle of Coaching and Mentoring, Special Issue 1, 2019 Mentoring Conference.

Welkley, D. L. & Torres, S., Jr. (Eds). (2018). Critical and Creative Thinking. Third Edition. San
Diego, CA: Cognella.

Welkley, D. L. & Torres, S. (2017, April). Evidence-based self assessment: A student-centered learning
tool. [Proceedings] National Social Science Association, Las Vegas, NV.

Torres, S., Welkley, D. L. & Kent, C. (2016). SafeZONE online: Creating and serving as safe spaces on
campus. National Social Sciences Association Journal, 44(2).

Guadalupe, K. L. & Welkley, D. L. (Eds). (2012). Diversity in family constellations: Implications for practice. Chicago, IL: Lyceum.

Welkley, D. L. (2005). White ethnics. In K. Guadalupe & D. Lum (Eds.), Multidimensional contextual
practice. Brooks Cole.

Other scholarly activity

Mentoring; Critical and Creative Thinking; Student Engagement; online learning (quality course design; active learning)

Research interests

Intersectionality (race, ethnicity, gender, age) and mentoring practices
Critical and creative thinking and student engagement