Idelia Phillips

Idelia Phillips, EdD, MPH


Off Campus

My BS in Biology from Siena College provided a foundation for the MPH degree and subsequent work in environmental health.  After earning the MPH, I worked as chief of health promotion and education at a county health department.  In 1986, I earned an EdD in Health Education Administration from the University of South Carolina, subsequently working as an assistant professor of health science, and later in chronic disease epidemiology, technology transfer waste management and environmental restoration, and academic affairs.   

I retired four years ago as an academic administrator for technical education at the State College of Florida.  I currently serve as adjunct faculty for undergraduate health science, environmental science and nutrition science courses, and adjunct faculty in the UNE MPH program.   Message to MPH students: “Professionalism has its rewards.”



EdD, Health Education Administration
University of South Carolina
MPH, Community Health Education
University of Tennessee
BS, Biology
Siena College


Current research

Demographic characteristics of the Tampa Heights Community, Land Use Planning Committee, St. James House of Prayer Episcopal Church, Support for the Implementation of the Federal Affordable Healthcare Act

Research interests

Diffusion of Innovation  - for Tracking Program Retention and Completion:  “Retention Begins At or Before the College Door”