andrea gosper

Andrea Gosper ’19

Nutrition Coaching


Nutrition was becoming a major during my time at UNE, but it wasn’t one just yet, so my health science degree is geared toward nutrition. Since it’s a broad major, I was able to focus on what I wanted to, which was nutrition. There are guidelines that you have to follow to graduate, but you can really make the Health Science degree what you want to. I know people who are Health Science majors but geared it toward public health. I graduated with that degree but with the Nutrition minor attached.

The fact that I could craft my own curriculum based on classes that I saw that were interesting and by talking to the head of Nutrition was very cool.

Experiential Learning

The way that UNE offers internships and wants to get you out there working in the field made me love it even more.

With the Coaching minor, you need to do an internship, so I got the chance to intern for the [UNE] football team. Through that, I got invited to a conference where I met the general manager (GM) of the Buffalo Bills. We talked, and a month later I got a call offering me a [scouting intern] job. It was unbelievable.

I never thought that I would make it into the NFL at 22 and having just graduated the month prior. I love working with the Buffalo Bills. It is an absolutely amazing internship. I get to do so many things that I never thought that I would have access to as an intern. Our GM and assistant GM were both interns at one point too, and it’s very cool for me to work under people who have been in my shoes before.