Headshot of Angela Shambarger

Angela Shambarger, Title IX Coordinator

Working in Title IX is never boring. During my first years at UNE, on the national stage the Office of Civil Rights and the Department of Education were doing a lot of renewed and public guidance about universities’ obligations under Title IX. The University recognized the importance and priority of Title IX, and I was looking for a new opportunity, so I was asked to take on Title IX in full.

Title IX is a huge umbrella. Essentially, the core of Title IX is access to education and removing barriers to access that could be related to gender. Accessing education is special, and we want to help facilitate that in the safest way possible.

It has to do with protections and supports for sexual harassment and sexual assault. It’s also about equity in athletics. It also protects pregnant parents and their student rights, and it expands to gender identity and expressions too. These issues are all very different things, so I need to be an expert and create many partnerships with different areas of the University and beyond.

Student Centeredness

My primary job is oversight of the University to make sure that we are consistent with our policies and with how we address issues. The other thing that comes out of my office is assessing the culture and climate in our programs to ensure that we are being equitable with regards to gender.

We want to make sure that we are supporting and providing resources for our students, faculty, and staff. Much of that work is prevention. The best way to respond to things is before they happen, so it is critical to have a strong prevention program.

People know who we are and understand the issues. They understand that they can get help, so if there's a concern — maybe it's biased behavior in a classroom or a residence hall — we can get on top of that by working with them before it becomes a discrimination issue.