Scholarly journal publishes excellent review of MWWC 50th Anniversary Symposium

The Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature [Vol. 29, No. 1 (Spring 2010), pp. 125-129], a leading journal in the field, has recently published a detailed, and effusive, review of the Maine Women Writers Collection's 50th Anniversary Symposium from 2009, "Women in the Archives: Using Archival Collections in Research and Teaching in U.S. Women."  The review was written by Tamara Harvey, an eminent scholar of early American women's writing. 

Harvey writes:  "This symposium stood out both for its ability to foster meaningful exchanges across areas of expertise and for the ways in which it moved beyond archive walls, even as it celebrated the rich holdings of a brick and mortar repository. . . . I think we would do well to take this well-organized symposium, with its focus on thoughtful conversations and critique across disciplines, as a model."

The Maine Women Writers Collection's next academic conference, with the theme "Identity, Memory, Testimony," will be held on the Portland Campus on March 31, 2012, featuring Jennifer Finney Boylan as the keynote speaker. More information about that event will be forthcoming early this fall.