
UNE News chronicles the accomplishments of students, faculty, and the institution through compelling stories, visuals, and news media.

Featured Story

UNE health professions students play bingo with seniors at an assisted living facility
The five-year grant will allow UNE to educate and train Maine’s health care workforce over the next five years to best meet the dynamic health needs of older adults by developing the direct care workforce, enhancing rural education, and creating more dementia-inclusive communities.

UNE in the News

Online alum named director of Elementary Education at Connecticut school district
UNE's rare lobsters mentioned in local radio piece
UNE's Susan Wehry piece about support for senior caregivers shared in state's largest newspapers
David Livingstone Smith pens op-ed on Trump, "politics of illusion"

Faculty and Professional Staff News

Portrait of Cheryl Nimmo
Cherly Nimmo, D.N.P., director of UNE’s Doctor of Nursing Practice in Nurse Anesthesia degree program, was selected one of just 57 fellows to the American Academy of Nursing’s 2024 Class of Fellows.

Featured Video

Adaptive OT: Innovations for Pediatric Wellbeing

The annual Adaptive Pediatrics Expo is the signature event of UNE’s Occupational Therapy degree program, showcasing evidence-based interactive projects designed and constructed by creative first-year students learning to become the next generation of occupational therapists. Learn more about this inspirational event 

UNE Magazine

Faces of Our Future: Empowering Students to Build a Better Tomorrow — the 2023 UNE Magazine.


Emboldened by a relentless quest for knowledge, UNE students are leading the charge to shape a better world. These “Faces of Our Future” are living proof that a university, guided by its strategic priorities, can do big things in the face of uncertainty. Learn how our students are working to build a better tomorrow for Maine, the nation, and our world.


UNE News is produced and curated by the Office of Communications and Marketing, which provides strategic and creative leadership and support for the University of New England across all media and communications platforms. Our mission is to raise awareness for UNE, enhance the University’s reputation, facilitate operations, and foster community in alignment with institutional goals. Visit the UNE Office of Communications Website