

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences


Amy Deveau, Ph.D.
Academic Director, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Eva Rose Balog, Ph.D.
Assistant Academic Director, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences


Chemistry and physics are fundamental sciences that touch every aspect of our lives and the world around us. Chemistry is the study of matter — its chemical and physical properties, the chemical and physical changes it undergoes, and the energy changes that accompany those processes. Chemistry often is referred to as the central science, it rests upon the foundation of mathematics and physics and in turn, is the essential basis for the life sciences such as biology and medicine. Chemistry is largely an experimental science and has applications diverse areas of research, including the development of new drugs, the search for solutions to problems of environmental pollution, and the derivation of alternative energy sources. Much cutting-edge research in biology and medicine is being carried out at the level of atoms and molecules, the particles of matter upon which the study of chemistry is based.

Physics, too, is the study of matter and energy, viewed from a different perspective. Understanding living systems and the universe in which we live requires an understanding of the chemical and physical principles that operate within them.

In addition to offering majors in chemistry, biochemistry, and laboratory science, and minors in chemistry biochemistry, and biophysics, the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences fills a significant role for students in other programs through its introductory courses in chemistry and physics. Because of the fundamental roles of chemistry and physics in the biological, environmental, and health sciences, students in these programs benefit from the conceptual, quantitative, problem-solving, and communication skills stressed in the introductory courses, which form the foundation for later courses in the students' majors.

Major Description

The bachelor of science degree in biochemistry, with its balanced curriculum, assures that each student will gain a solid biochemical foundation, while securing a substantial foundation in the other major chemical subdisciplines, including analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and physical chemistry.

This major is an excellent choice for students who are especially interested in studying the infrastructure and applications of chemistry in biological systems. With appropriate choice of courses, graduates will be prepared for entry into graduate programs in chemistry, biochemistry, or the biomedical sciences, and well-prepared for professional programs in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, and many other fields that rely on chemistry as a fundamental science.

Students wishing to enter the job market immediately after completion of their degree program have available to them a wide range of career opportunities in both the public and private sectors. Graduates will be especially well-prepared for entry-level positions in the rapidly growing biotechnology industry.

Curricular Requirements

CAS Core RequirementsCredits
Program required coursesCredits
BIO 105/105L – Bio I: Ecology/Evolution with LabCredits included in Core Requirements
BIO 106/106L – Bio II: Cellular/Molecular with Lab4
BIO 214/214L – Genetics with Lab4
BIO 370 – Cell and Molecular Biology3
CHE 150/150L – University General Chemistry I with Lab*4
CHE 151/151L – University General Chemistry II with Lab*4
CHE 250/250L/250S – University Organic Chemistry I with Lab and LabLecture*5
CHE 251/251L/251S – University Organic Chemistry II with Lab and LabLecture*5
CHE 307/307L – Quantitative Analysis with Lab5
CHE 327 – Applied Physical Chemistry or CHE 371 - Physical Chemistry II3
CHE 350/350L – Biochemistry I: Proteins with Lab5
CHE 351 – Biochemistry II: Metabolism and Bioenergetics3
CHE 401 – Chemistry Seminar1
CHE 375 – Advanced Laboratory or CHE 417/417L – Instrumental Methods of Analysis with Lab or CHE 450 – Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory3
MAT 190 – Calculus ICredits included in Core Requirements
MAT 195 – Calculus II4
PHY 210 – University Physics I*4
PHY 211 – University Physics II*4
Required Elective CoursesCredits
CHE 280 – Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry3
CHE 320 – Mechanistic Organic Chemistry3
CHE 370/370L – Physical Chemistry I with Lab4
CHE 375 – Advanced Laboratory**2
CHE 380 – Inorganic Chemistry3
CHE 405 – Medicinal Chemistry3
CHE 410 – Research I and/or CHE 411 – Research II (not to exceed 3 credits total combined)1–3
CHE 417/417L – Instrumental Methods of Analysis with Lab**4
CHE 420 – Spectroscopic Methods of Structural Analysis3
CHE 450 – Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory**3
Minimum flexible required credits6+
Minimum program credits67+
Open elective credits (as needed to reach 120 credits)Variable
Minimum Required Total Credits120

*Matriculated majors are expected to enroll in the University course sequences for general chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics. The following substitutions may be made with program permission: CHE 110 for CHE 150; CHE 111 for CHE 151; CHE 210 or CHE 210G for CHE 250; CHE 211 or 211G for CHE 251; PHY 110 for PHY 210; and/or PHY 111 for PHY 211.

**If not already taken for program required course option.

Students in this major can participate in the pre-health graduate school preparation tracks.

Academic and Technical Standards

A minimum grade of C- must be achieved in all required science and mathematics courses used toward graduation in biochemistry, and a 2.00 cumulative grade-point average in the sciences is a requirement for graduation.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Biochemistry major, students will be able to

  • Describe and apply advanced biochemical information and concepts.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in safe and ethical laboratory practices and use of instrumentation standard to the discipline.
  • Clearly communicate biochemical information in both oral and written forms.
  • Work collaboratively in various team settings.
  • Compete for placement in graduate programs or employment relevant to the field of study.


Required CoursesCredits
Elective Courses (choose at least one)Credits
Total Minor credits16–21
CHE 350/350L – Biochemistry I: Proteins with Lab5
CHE 351 – Biochemistry II: Bioenergetics & Metabolism3
BIO 370 – Cell and Molecular Biology3
CHE 307/307L – Quantitative Analysis with Lab or CHE 450 - Advanced Biochemistry Lab3–5
Total Required credits14–16
CHE 280/280L – Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry with Lab3
CHE 307/307L – Quantitative Analysis* with Lab5
CHE 320 – Mechanistic Organic Chemistry3
CHE 327 – Applied Physical Chemistry3
CHE 371 – Physical Chemistry II3
CHE 375 – Advanced Laboratory2
CHE 405 – Medicinal Chemistry3
CHE 417/417L – Instrumental Methods of Analysis with Lab4
CHE 420 – Spectroscopic Methods of Structural Analysis3
CHE 450 – Advanced Biochemistry Lab*3
BIO 254 – Medicinal Plant Biology3
BIO 305 – Virology3
BIO 318 – Nutrition through the Life Cycle3
BIO 232/232L – Microbiology with Lab4
BIO 365 – Immunology3
BIO 404/404S – Neuroscience** with Recitation4
BIO 407 – Developmental Biology3
NEU 205/205L – Introduction to Neurobiology with Lab4
MAR 326 – Experimental Animal Physiology3
Total Elective credits2–5

*If not chosen as a required course.

**Enrollment eligibility is dependent upon availability and requires permission

Additionally, selected topics courses may be acceptable. Contact the academic director for more information.

There are no restrictions on counting a course towards this minor and towards other program requirements.

Honors Program

We offer qualified students the option of graduating with Honors. This includes significant research, scholarship or creative activity under the direction of a faculty member. Interested students should consult with their advisor. 

Transfer Credit

Courses completed at another accredited college can be transferred to this degree program. A transferred course must align in scope and content to the required course offered at UNE. Otherwise, a course may transfer as a general elective. 

All courses completed must be no older than five years.

Transferred courses for matriculated students must be approved by the Academic Director. 

Other restrictions apply. See Undergraduate Admissions for more information.


Preferred conditions for entry into the biochemistry major are completion of at least three years of high school mathematics and three years of high school science, including biology, chemistry, and physics.

See Undergraduate Admissions for more information.

Financial Information

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees for subsequent years may vary. Other expenses include books and housing. For more information regarding tuition and fees, please consult the Financial Information section of this catalog.

Notice and Responsibilities Regarding this Catalog

This Catalog documents the academic programs, policies, and activities of the University of New England for the 2023–2024 academic year. The information contained herein is accurate as of the date of publication April 28, 2023.

The University of New England reserves the right in its sole judgment to make changes of any nature in its programs, calendar, or academic schedule whenever it is deemed necessary or desirable, including changes in course content, the rescheduling of classes with or without extending the academic term, canceling of scheduled classes or other academic activities, in any such case giving such notice thereof as is reasonably practicable under the circumstances.

While each student may work closely with an academic advisor, he or she must retain individual responsibility for meeting requirements in this catalog and for being aware of any changes in provisions or requirements.