
Tuition $830 (per credit hour)
Technology Fee $160 (per semester)
General Service Fee $80 (per semester)
  • A textbook allowance of $350 per semester is included in the offered financial aid package.
  • Indirect expenses included in the annual cost of attendance are
    • Transportation: $100/month
    • Personal: $100/month
    • Living expenses: $1,000/month
  • Half-time enrollment is defined as 3–5 credits per semester.
  • Full-time enrollment is defined as 6 or more credits per semester. Students who are enrolled in less than 3 credits per semester are not eligible for federal aid.
  • Students are awarded funding to cover direct costs (tuition and fees) and textbooks.
  • This program is based on 2 terms (A and B) per semester. Financial aid is awarded accordingly. Go to for dates loan funding will pay to your account (refunds arrive 7–10 days after the disbursement date).