Engage in Impactful Research

As a student in the School of Biological Sciences, you have exciting opportunities to get involved with faculty research. You can contribute to cutting-edge scientific discoveries in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and sometimes even at the interface between these two primary sub-disciplines of biology. Whether you’re pursuing your bachelor’s or master’s degree, you’ll gain hands-on experience, develop critical thinking skills, and potentially contribute to publications in your field of interest.

A U N E student holds a mass of frog eggs while standing in a vernal pool
Two students in white coats prepare tubes of liquid in a lab

Why should you do research?

Illustration of a medal with a start in the center

Research Contributes to Career Success

In the Cellular and Molecular Biology area our graduates have:

  • Been hired as a research assistant at the Wyss Institute at Harvard University
  • Gone on to a Food Microbiology Ph.D. program at Cornell University

In the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology area our graduates have:

  • Been hired as an Environmental Specialist at Power Engineers
  • Gone on to an doctorate program at Tufts University and became a college professor
Illustration of a microscope

Research Improves Oral Communication Skills and Provides Networking Opportunities

In the Cellular and Molecular Biology area our students have presented their work at:

  • Maine Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience (Waterville, Maine): “Investigation of Armadillo/ß-catenin mechanisms influencing nociceptive sensitivity in Drosophila" by **Ganter, *Ahmida, *Caterina, *Flanagan, *Jenkins, *Lattanzi, *Nowak, *Turcotte, Moulton”
  • Northeast Aquaculture Conference and Exposition (Providence, Rhode Island): “Microplastics as vectors for bacterial contamination of zebrafish” by *Massoia, *Pesek, Byron, **Burkholder

In the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology area our students have presented their work at:

  • Collaborative Showcase of the Maine-North Atlantic and Arctic Education Consortium (Portland, Maine): “Impacts of climate change on UNE’s forest - Methodology for development and implementation of a long-term monitoring protocol” by *Dancy, *Szetela, **Zogg, Morgan, **Travis
  • Posters on the Hill (Washington D.C.)  “Antimicrobial properties of local macroalgae against human pathogens including MRSA” by *Call, *Roese, **Burkholder, **Röse
  • Society of Wetland Scientists Meeting (Denver, Colorado): “Competitive interactions between native Spartina alterniflora and non-native Phragmites australis depend on nutrient loading and temperature” by *Legault II, **Zogg, **Travis
Illustration of a magnifying glass over paperwork that has a pie chart

Research Improves Writing Skills Through Co-authorship on Scientific Publications

In the Cellular and Molecular Biology area our students have published their work in:

  • Molecular Pain: Hale, Moultin, *Otis, **Ganter. 2022. Armadillo regulates nociceptive sensitivity in the absence of injury.
  • Journal of Applied Microbiology: *Roese, *Torlone, *Cooper, *Esposito, Deveau, **Röse, **Burkholder. 2023 Pyrogallol impairs staphylococcal biofilm formation via induction of bacterial oxidative stress.

In the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology area our students have published their work in:

  • Wetland Ecology and Management: *Dowling, **Travis, Morgan, **Zogg.  2023.  Can the marsh migrate?  Factors influencing the growth of Spartina patens under upland conditions. 
  • Ecosphere: *White, Perlut, **Travis, Strong.  2021.  Diverse demographic factors influence apparent juvenile survival in a migratory songbird.

Join Faculty-Led Research Initiatives

Our faculty is involved in research exploring a wide range of exciting topics — you can explore your passions, apply your classroom knowledge to real-world scientific questions, and prepare for your future career in biology. Contact the professors to learn more.

Cellular and Molecular Biology Groups


The microbiology group, run by Kristin Burkholder, Ph.D., studies the behavior of bacterial pathogens by using cell culture, microbiological, and microscopy techniques.

Drosophila Neurogenetics

The Drosophila Neurogenetics group, led by Geoff Ganter, Ph.D., identifies targets for future pain medications using genetic, microscopic, and behavior analysis approaches.

Molecular Genetics

Jenn Garcia, Ph.D.’s molecular genetics group identifies mechanisms that regulate gene expression in response to stress using molecular genetics and microscopy.

Molecular Biology

Led by Lei Lei, Ph.D., the molecular biology group studies developmental neurobiology and molecular evolution using molecular and bioinformatic tools.

Fruit Flies and Chronic Pain

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology groups


Jeff Parmelee, Ph.D.’s herpetology group studies amphibian and reptile ecology and monitors populations through fieldwork and citizen science initiatives.

Chemical Ecology

Led by Ursula Röse, Ph.D. the chemical ecology group investigates chemical interactions of plants, insects, and microbes using mass spectrometry and gas chromatography.

Molecular Ecology

Steve Travis, Ph.D.’s molecular ecology group analyzes individual, population, species, and community-level diversity and relationships using genetic sequencing.

Global Change Ecology

The global change ecology group, led by Greg Zogg, Ph.D., studies how human activities impact plants, microbes, and biogeochemical cycles using field and lab techniques.

Combating Antibiotic Resistance


Funding to support student and faculty research have come from a variety of sources, including the following:

Cellular and Molecular Biology Area Grants

  • Maine Idea Network for Biomedical Research Excellence: A Functional Analysis of RNaseT2 in Yeast (**Garcia)
  • National Institute of General Medical Sciences: Ceftriaxone to Prevent Pneumonia and Inflammation after Cardiac Arrest (PROTECT), a Randomized-controlled Trial and Microbiome Assessment (**Burkholder)
  • National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: Investigation of Armadillo/ß-catenin Mechanisms Influencing Nociceptive Sensitivity in Drosophila (**Ganter)

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Area Grants

  • Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative: Expanding Monitoring Efforts to Include Plant Genetic, Bacterial, and Fungal Diversity (**Zogg, **Travis)
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Effects of Anthropogenic Change on Salt Marsh Microbial Structure and Function (*Simon)
  • National Science Foundation: The Undergraduate Saco River Biodiversity Observatory, TURBO (**Röse)
  • U.S. Geological Survey: Predicting Cattail Hybridization Dynamics in the Prairie Pothole Region of the Upper Midwest (**Travis)
Three U N E students fly a drone
A student in a white lab coat peers into a microscope

*UNE student
**UNE faculty member